School NewsSep 14, 2022

updated Nov 13, 2023

Welcome, New Faculty!

Talented teachers join MHS community


Robert Bolger, Ph.D., is the new Director of the Leonhardt Academic Skills Center, bringing extensive experience as a learning specialist, teacher, coach, and author. 澳门威利斯网站的学术技能中心(ASC)提供个性化的学术支持,以满足所有学生的需求, neuro-typical and neuro-diverse, while promoting their academic, cognitive, and personal growth. In this role, Dr. Bolger将监督和支持ASC学习专家的工作, 同时也为学生提供学术支持和指导,并与管理人员合作, faculty, 和家庭来支持有学习差异的MHS学生的需求.

Dr. 博尔格作为一名学习专家在澳门威利斯网站的学校工作了12年, 其中三年在东区天主教学校担任学术资源主任, in Sammamish, Washington. Most recently, 他曾担任Bothell北岸学区功能和学术技能主任, Washington. Dr. Bolger has also taught as a college instructor, 开发强调文化能力和包容性的澳门威利斯网站, and has written three books on religion and philosophy, with a fourth due out soon. He and his wife, Lara, enjoy live theater and concerts, reading and writing, and finding new and interesting restaurants. They also have a 16-year-old dog, Annie. Dr. Bolger earned a Ph.D. 在克莱蒙特研究生大学获得哲学和宗教研究学位,并持有中央华盛顿大学无障碍研究研究生证书. He also holds an M.A. 获得联合神学院宗教学硕士学位和西雅图太平洋大学特殊澳门威利斯网站硕士学位.

Adrienne Lazes ’05 (they/them) has been named Mathematics Department Chair, 在担任学院学术事务委员会的部门代表并在过去一年中监督部门的大部分后勤工作之后,他担任了这个角色. Since joining MHS in 2019 as a Math Teacher, Adrienne has taught Algebra II, Geometry, Introduction to Statistics, and Topics in Modern Math. 他们还参与了MHS数学中心,并担任了MHS犹太亲和小组的两位教师顾问之一, as well as Spectrum, 这是一个致力于支持LGBTQIA+学生的联盟,致力于在所有学生中创造和谐与包容. Adrienne将在来年教授代数I和代数II. They came to Miss Hall’s from Darrow School, in New Lebanon, New York, Adrienne从2009年开始教数学并担任数学系主任, dorm parent, coach to the girls’ varsity basketball team, and many other roles. Adrienne holds an M.A. 在斯基德莫尔学院获得文科学士学位,主修数学史,并获得学士学位.A. in Math and Education from Hampshire College.

Zara Acosta-Chen joins MHS as Engineering, Technology & Physics Teacher. 拥有超过10年的教学经验,对STEM教育充满热情, Zara曾在多所学校任教,并有开发结合工程实践的STEM澳门威利斯网站的经验. Since 2017, she has been a science and math tutor in New York City, 她之前在密歇根州和纽约教高中和初中数学和科学. Zara holds an M.A. in Teaching Physics from New York University, and a B.A. in Physics from Wesleyan University, 并担任Jhumki-Basu基金会的科学教育创新者科学教学研究员和美国数学硕士教学研究员, both in New York.

Miss Hall’s School welcomes Susan Cole and Emily Gorman as Math Teachers.

Susan brings more than 25 years of teaching experience, most recently at Leland and Gray High School in Townshend, Vermont, where she taught Algebra, Geometry, and Core Mathematics courses. 苏珊之前在布鲁克林的德克斯特南菲尔德学校教数学,并担任数学系主任, Massachusetts, 她曾在马萨诸塞州西部的公立和私立学校的数学系任教或担任系主任, southern Vermont, and Virginia, including the all-girl Chatham Hall School, in Chatham, Virginia, and Wilbraham & Monson Academy, in Wilbraham, Massachusetts. Susan holds an M.Ed. 通过马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校的数学英语科学技术教育项目并获得A.B. in Mathematics from Smith College.

Emily comes to MHS from The Berkeley Carroll School, in Brooklyn, New York, where she was an Upper School Math Teacher since 2016, while also co-advising the school’s Math Team and Spirit Squad. 她有18年的课堂教学经验,教过从代数补习到AP微积分的澳门威利斯网站. From 2004 to 2016, 艾米丽是纽约市教育部的一名数学老师和程序员, teaching and coaching at two city public schools. 从2008年到2016年,她是美国数学协会的硕士教师研究员,也是在纽约市. Emily holds an M.S. in Teaching from Pace University and a B.S. in Mathematics from The University of Chicago.

Alice Esteves 作为学习专家加入了莱昂哈特学术技能中心, 为MHS学生提供个性化的学术支持和指导. Alice comes to Miss Hall’s from Blackstone Valley Prep, in Central Falls, Rhode Island, 自2014年以来,她在哪里担任初中和高中特殊教育职位. She also brings a background in teaching History. Prior to her teaching career, 爱丽丝在附近的大巴林顿的卡德摩斯生活分享协会工作了九年, living and working with adults with developmental disabilities. She holds a B.A. in History from Brown University, has pursued further study at Brown’s Graduate School of Education, 并在芒特霍利奥克学院和耶鲁大学完成了历史和社会科学方面的额外澳门威利斯网站.

Kasey Leslie has joined the Horizons program as Assistant Director, 在这个独一无二的服务学习和实习项目中,为大三学生提供有关地平线体验的建议,并与地平线团队合作,为学生提供年级水平的体验. Kasey will also identify learning opportunities and internships, coordinate relationships with community partners, and arrange transportation for the program. 凯西从附近柴郡的胡萨克谷高中来到MHS, where she was an English Teacher and advisor to the Yearbook, the Rainbow Alliance, and the junior class. 凯西还在佛罗里达州椰子溪的君主高中教英语. Kasey holds an M.A. in Teaching, with a concentration in English, as well as a B.A. in English with a concentration in writing. Both degrees are from the College of Our Lady of the Elms.

Jen Morris 加入表现艺术系,并将在MHS教摄影和艺术的霍尔马克历史. 珍的最后一次教学任命是在佛蒙特州普特尼的地标学院担任教授. 在那里,她教授摄影、录像、电影分析和跨媒介艺术澳门威利斯网站. 作为地标艺术学院美术与表演艺术系的项目协调员, she led the team that designed the college’s B.A. in Integrated Arts degree. Jen是一位实践艺术家,曾在全国和国际上举办过个展和群展. You can see her work at Jen earned her M.F.A. 毕业于芝加哥艺术学院摄影专业.F.A. in Drawing and Printmaking from Carnegie Mellon University.

Thomas Stock, Ph.D., has joined the School as a History Teacher, coming to Miss Hall’s from Heidelberg University in Germany, where he was a Postdoctoral Fellow for the past year, teaching Korean history and conducting book research. As a published author and expert on North Korea, 托马斯曾在高丽大学和延世大学任教, both in South Korea, and at the University of California, Los Angeles. 他在东亚和全球历史的教学和澳门威利斯网站开发方面拥有丰富的经验. Thomas earned his Ph.D. in Asian Languages and Cultures from UCLA, an M.A. 在印第安纳大学布卢明顿分校获得东亚研究学士学位.A. in History and German from the University of North Texas.